kami officially CHEST!!!

hai fellas!
today we wore our beloved and vogue faculty jacket!

the gurls~

it was so fun to see all the "show off" faces to the whole UMP!
lets see our pics~
cute huh!

Gambang Resort City!!!

mari bermandi manda di Gambang R.C!!!!

nak cite nie kiteorang budak pompuan biotech++ gi maen2 kat taman tema air..wow!!! seramai hampir 30 org mengikuti permainan air tersebut..boys are not alowed!!!!!
then kiteorang bergasak laa reramai terjun kt ctu smpi tempat kanak2 pon kiteorang maen...hish2..
atas permintaan semua, pihak penganjur terpaksa meletakkan syarat iaitu hanya gurlz sahaja leh join..lelaki x bley sebab nnt diorang malu~..
laen kali leh gi lagi!!!!


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